Best Nursery preschool in Indiranagar Bangalore

The Nursery program is suitable for children of 3+ years.

Little Elly Indiranagar nursery program provides the foundation for learning of key essential skills. It includes pre-writing, pre reading, pre-maths, science and social skills. These are taught in a natural and logical sequence; thereby encouraging the child to learn a step at a time.

Curriculum activities such as monthly thematic programs, specific weekly topics and daily learning, keep the child focused on academic learning through exploration. These also encourage self-initiatives, build curiosity and persistence in the child.

Extra-curricular activities include art and craft, dramatized plays, role plays, inter-personal and social interaction. These ensure that the child explores his/her creativity, relates learning to everyday life and builds confidence and self-esteem.

The nursery program is crafted around the age appropriate needs and skill sets of the child. This encourages his/her overall development by offering a stimulating environment that combines learning and play.

About Us

Our Approach

  • Focused, thematic activities and learning for developing key academic skills
  • Using creativity and play to develop social skills and build self-esteem
  • Developing strong reading and writing for seamless transition to higher academic roles

Key Areas Covered In The Toddler Curriculum

  • Structured thematic learning and knowledge based activities
  • Learning with art, music and play
  • Building complex communication and social skills
  • Encouraging positive peer interaction
  • Understanding of mathematical concepts
  • Facilitating language skills
  • Enhancing fine and gross motor co-ordination skills

Activities Involved

  • Art, music and play
  • Drama
  • Sand play
  • Festivals and special day celebrations
  • Field trips to the local park, florist etc
  • Puppet shows and skits
  • Free Play with Technology tools

Admissions for 2024-2025 are now open! Call +91 99016 14888 to enroll your child.

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